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For a new topic suggestion that NICE currently has no guidance for, please complete Part 1. For topic suggestion of an update of existing NICE guidance, please complete Part 2.
Part 1
Please complete all sections with as much information as possible to allow adequate assessment.
Topic title
What is the topic/health problem the guidance would address? What is the current practice? Are there significant variations?
What is the target population(s) or specific group of individuals that will be covered by the suggested topic?
In what settings the guidance would be implemented?
Activities, services or aspects of care
What key area(s) will be covered by the suggested topic? (e.g. assessment, diagnosis, management/interventions, prognosis, services etc)
What would be the benefits for patients/service users or the system, or both?
Why is guidance needed for the suggested topic?
Health and care need
1. What impacts the target population(s) are experiencing due to the absence of guidance on the suggested topic? (e.g. care burden, morbidity, mortality, quality of life, etc) 2. Are there related national policies or strategies that indicate the suggested topic is of national importance?
Will the aspects of care/interventions/services covered by the suggested topic be available to the health and care system for implementation?
Evidence availability
Is there evidence (or emerging evidence) to support further exploration of guidance production for the suggested topic? (please provide references and sources of the evidence or emerging evidence)
Do you have any experts we can talk to about the suggested topic?
If yes, please provide contact details.
Other relevant details
Part 2
Please complete all sections with as much information as possible to allow adequate assessment.
Title of the NICE guidance and guidance number
(e.g. NICE guidance number CGXX, NGXX, TAXX, DGXX, IPXX, MTGXX)
Suggested topic area(s) or recommendations for update
Why is update needed?
(e.g. new evidence on effectiveness or cost-effectiveness, no longer part of current practice, etc)
Please provide all relevant references and sources of new evidence
Do you have any experts we can talk to about the suggested update?
Other relevant details
Should be Empty: